I’m Alex Daniels.

A Freelance
UX/UI Designer.

im an open book


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take a look


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Knowledge is everything

My Skills.


web design

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product design

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something to say


Mawhbah IT Company

The company is an industry leader in IT Services, providing complete solutions and creating value for all stakeholders from the resources and relationships they use to operate the business.

✔︎ Full corporate identity
✔︎ Website services

Mwasla Application

Mwasla is an application for mobility services, the application includes a lot of services such as a ride-hailing, food delivery, package delivery, couriers, freight transportation and many more.

✔︎ Brand identity
✔︎ Ui/Ux design

YourCat Shop

An online shop in Saudi Arabia that provides you with all food and health supplies for pets, and finds all services and full care for your pet, You can also buy and order from their online store.

✔︎ Corporate identity
✔︎ Printing design