Frequently Asked Questions

Fully Managed Digital Services – Pencil Agency monitors, manages, supports, and secures all Digital and Ofset Services.

Pencil Agency Co-Managed – We support Digital and Ofset Services as an extension of your team. This role includes patching, repetitive tasks, one-off services, and special projects. We handle the backend while in-house Pencil manages everything else.

Graphic Design

Web and App Design (Ui-UX)

Motion Design and Video Editing

Digital Marketing

Email Marketing


IT Consulting

Cloud Services

By leading with Digital strategy and compliance guidance, Pencil fills two major gaps in the Digital Services industry. This expertise helps clients:

  • Save time, money, and increase profitability.
  • Reduce employee frustration and improve team morale.
  • Solidify defenses against data breaches, ransomware attacks, and legal exposure.
  • Lower cybersecurity and compliance risk

Pencil Agency selectively partners with growing organizations that like applying strategy and budgets to a proven digital services process based on standards and best practices – to improve performance and lower risk.

Pencil Agency creates and maintains powerful, quiet, and digital services such as a designer and development by actively engaging and advising our clients in regularly scheduled Strategic Business Reviews.

Most Pencil Agency locations limit new client onboardings to two per month. This approach allows us to institute comprehensive, data-driven quality controls – on the front end – which create increasing operating leverage for our clients throughout the lifetime of the relationship.

Pencil Agency is responsive by design. We partner with Mawhbah organization that appreciate the value of following a standards-based approach to inform and management of their IT systems an our Digital services.

This alignment allows clients to enjoy business optimizing technology that doesn’t require constant, reactive, emergency intervention – so they have more time to focus on growing their business.

We give users direct access to support, which eliminates bottlenecks and allows us to collect data and insights to identify training gaps and recommend system improvements.

Our Service Level Agreement prioritizes client matters and response times by ideas and many more.

Operationally mature organizations in the following verticals:

  • Professional
  • ServicesCPA
  • Legal
  • Finance
  • Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • Consulting
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Nonprofit
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